On Jan 11, 2013, at 9:17 PM, Pierre Mandel wrote: Dear Yon, I was wondering could you post these articles/books with your archives.. they may be valuable in 100-150 years....I will have the micro-films done too... I happened to be lucky software-trouve-wise, got hold of the micro-film machine softwares in an unopened manual ebay sale, bundled with the polaroid PP7000 machine too. A copy due for Hardenbergh castle, "the-house". Yt, PMA
The Hyperbolic Formula for MMT:Radio Telescopes.XIII.pdf
MandelMastersThesis.pdf and other notes from Stanford
In 2009, Pierre sent me these two theses, which are a bit beyond me, but, perhaps useful to to someone.
Transactions in Leukemogenesis - Cancer: By: Pierre A. Mandel
The Five Dimensional Obelus Universe Unit and The Time-Warp Theorems By: Pierre A. Mandel
For the latest copies of these papers, go to: http://www.mandeldirect.com
From: pierre mandelDate: September 20, 2009 10:32:32 PM EDT To: jch, k p @blakeschool.org .. editor@startrek.com Subject: Last edition of time-warp Universe Unit (UU1316); Plan114 included as supplement..... Dear Friends of Science, Included as attachment are the final forms of these two manuscripts attached for reference and archive. Within these two manuscripts are tons of new knowledge. Please keep for your records. Review and include in your teaching discussions, as alternate and improved thinking regarding Einstein's initial discussion regarding special relativity and the knowledge of the atom. The attached articles add 3 new laws and 3 new constants to special relativity and represent > 750 man-months of work. Hopefully they will be carried by The General Science Journal included in this email. Feel free to send along review comments to that publisher. Thank you, Your truly, Pierre A. Mandel UCSD APM SCSL (Applied Physics and Mathematics Laboratories).